Alternative Art College

Alternative Art College

The idea is to create a non-profit education facility; this is to show that you don’t need to pay large sums of money to gain an understanding of a topic.
The curriculum will include a wide selection of topics split in to two modules, Art Action and Political Practice.
Art Action will encapsulate aspects of art as commentary and a form of questioning rather than as a practice. Whatever art is it is exclusively political this is not that every piece has a political context but just the creation of work can be seen as a political act.
Political Practice will look at how art and politics relate not just in forms mentioned before but also the relationship with the media. What are the social repercussions of what is passed in a political context?
Lets show that Knowledge is priceless and what can be achieved and sustained on a shoe – string budget compared to the over – priced education facilities.
We have to take in to account that even if we ever did have a completely free education cost wise and opened the doors to everyone we might just find inside a bleak mess and not quite what we have anticipated. To make sure Learning is priceless we must also find a way of removing social forces such as ‘employability’ , work skills and wage slavery.